[cctbxbb] Going from a pdb file to an x_ray_structure object

Nathaniel Echols nechols at lbl.gov
Tue Oct 9 06:26:14 PDT 2012

On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 6:24 AM, Claudia Millán Nebot
<cmncri at ibmb.csic.es> wrote:
> I went to my cctbx_sources files, and look for the mmtbx/utils.py, and then
> realise that on there, the class cmdline_load_pdb_and_data, in is __init__,
> doesn't expect a prefer_anomalous keyword but a scattering_table one:
> def __init__ (self, args, master_phil, out=sys.stdout,
>       process_pdb_file=True, create_fmodel=True, scattering_table="wk1995")
> Guess it maybe something related to the version of the cctbx i'm using?

Yes, I added the prefer_anomalous keyword a few weeks ago, so you need
to update to a more recent version.


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