[phenixbb] DEN refinement and reference model

Luca Pellegrini lp212 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Jan 8 04:34:31 PST 2013

Phenix.den_refine (1.8.1-1168) stops and complains that:

"Sorry: Reference model contains SEGIDs that do not match the working model."

I have four chains in both working and reference model, ordered in the same way (A to D). Chains A and C are the same molecule, and chains B and D are also the same. Can you please advice? Some of the chains in the reference model contain more residues, is this a problem?

Thanks for your help.


Luca Pellegrini
Department of Biochemistry
University of Cambridge
80 Tennis Court Road
Cambridge CB2 1GA - UK

Email: lp212 at cam.ac.uk
Tel: 0044-1223-760469
Fax: 0044-1223-766002
Sanger building, room 3.59

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