[phenixbb] Generation of residual electron density maps using IAS (inter atomic scatteres) model

Ankur Kumar Singh ankurks at iisc.ac.in
Tue Aug 8 01:03:06 PDT 2023

Dear Members,
I am working on a protein structure resolved at 1.1 angstroms, and I am trying to generate a residual electron density map. I am following a series of articles from Prof. Afonine (Macromolecular refinement at subatomic resolution with interatomic scatterers<https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18007035/>). Here, an IAS modeling of the protein structure is done, followed by refinement in Phenix. The residual density is observed in conventional maps.

I am trying to figure out how to create an IAS model for my protein structure. Please suggest any relevant method/article to obtain the model. And also, is it possible to have an IAS model for a protein resolved at 1.1 angstroms?

Many thanks for considering my request.
Ankur K Singh
Graduate Student

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