[phenixbb] Issue with running phenix.segment_and_split_map command

Philip D. Jeffrey pjeffrey at princeton.edu
Sat Jun 10 10:02:25 PDT 2023

Try putting a resolution=3 on the command line (change the 3 to something appropriate for you).  That omission often spawns the error you see.

(I’m not convinced that a sensible default couldn’t be deduced by the programs in many instances.)

Phil Jeffrey

On Jun 10, 2023, at 12:03 PM, Das, Abhinaba <abhinaba.das at emory.edu> wrote:

Good afternoon all,

I’ve been running Phenix using the GUI however I want to segment a map using phenix.segment_and_split_map which turns out to be a command line program.

I’m trying to run it using the following command:

abhinabadas at AbhinabasM1Mac ~ % phenix.segment_and_split_map \

/Users/abhinabadas/Downloads/Chimera/postProcessMaskedsharpened_map.ccp4 \

/Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/Test_map_2/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta auto_sharpen = False \

box_in_auto_sharpen = False

However, it ends every time giving the error:

Read sequence from /Users/abhinabadas/Desktop/VipA-B/rcsb_pdb_3J9G.fasta

Sorry: Need resolution for segment_and_split_map with sharpening

Initially, I used the same command without using auto_sharpen = False

box_in_auto_sharpen = False, as the map was already auto sharpened in Phenix. It gave me the same error regardless.

Apologies for this possibly inane question; there might be a very easy fix to it but I can’t seem to figure it out. I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue. Please let me know if you need any further information. Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Thanks, abhi

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