Hi Richard,

I finally pushed a copy of the boost(unsure of version; tag file says 86799 which I thought was the last of the svn http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/)  that came from a prior cctbx bundle into a local svn and used that.  And then the lapack_fem(unsure of version) as well.  Then I got a complete build of cctbx on MacOSX via Jenkins.  Have a similar jenkins job for rhel5.

We will be putting our jenkins up on the cloud.

Do you use a build system like jenkins?  Moving to git to follow boost.python?  Boost build from git isn't working yet for me; I see some discussions about building going on in the boost emails so will learn from it.

Let me know if any of my build and packaging experiments have any use for you or anything you'd like tried with it.

On 01/02/2015 09:27 PM, Roger Martin wrote:
Hi Richard,

Don't remember when; might have been a different problem that made me think that didn't work.  Been trying to use --use-environment-flags

Tried --compiler=gcc and got further on mac via jenkins.  Have some boost issue I'll noodle at for a while


On 01/02/2015 04:03 PM, Richard Gildea wrote:
Hi Roger,

Have you tried passing --compiler=gcc in the 'python sources/libtbx/configure.py [list of modules]' step?



On 2 January 2015 at 20:28, Roger Martin <[email protected]> wrote:

I'm attempting to build on Mac.  Via jenkins.

The scons finds /usr/bin/c++ but my builds are based on gcc located at /opt/gcc/current/bin.  A which c++ returns /opt/gcc/current/bin/c++.  I tried to tell it by making a site_init.py according to http://www.scons.org/doc/production/HTML/scons-user.html#idm12919064
cd build
mkdir -p site_scons
cat <<EOF >./site_scons/site_init.py
env = DefaultEnvironment(tools = ['gcc', 'gnulink'],
                         CC = '/opt/gcc/current/bin/gcc',
                         CXX = '/opt/gcc/currentbin/g++')

Do you have a way to tell it which compiler version to find that is compatible with the source code level?


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