
We have been "encouraging" people to set their editors for nearly two decades and it just doesn't work.



Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 33R0349, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Phone : 510-486-5709     Email : NWMoriarty@LBL.gov
Fax   : 510-486-5909       Web  : CCI.LBL.gov

On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 2:44 AM Luc Bourhis <luc_j_bourhis@mac.com> wrote:

> On 14 Aug 2019, at 10:56, "richard.gildea@diamond.ac.uk" <richard.gildea@diamond.ac.uk> wrote:
> 3) If finding clutter is so important, why not add an optional pre-commit hook to help prevent "clutter" ever being committed in the first place?


That would encourage people to properly set up their editor to never get trailing spaces in the first place!

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