Thank you to Oleg and Luc for sending the solutions, they were as simple as I thought they should be :o)







From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Luc Bourhis
Sent: 30 May 2012 13:07
To: cctbx mailing list
Subject: Re: [cctbxbb] Invert hand of shelxd res file from cctbx


Hi Graeme,

This should be easy but I can’t find anything!


I have a .res file:




which I would like to read, invert the hand of and write as a pdb file. I got stuck trying to work through the example / test code. Can someone point me in the right direction?


from cctbx import xray

from cStringIO import StringIO


res= """

REM Best SHELXD solution:   CC 41.11   CC(weak) 23.51   CFOM  64.62


TITL sad_fa.ins SAD in P422

CELL  0.98000   78.17   78.17   37.87   90.00   90.00   90.00

LATT  -1

SYMM -Y+1/2,X+1/2,Z+1/4

SYMM -X,-Y,Z+1/2

SYMM Y+1/2,-X+1/2,Z+3/4

SYMM X+1/2,-Y+1/2,-Z+3/4


SYMM -X+1/2,Y+1/2,-Z+1/4

SYMM -Y,-X,-Z+1/2


UNIT   256

SE01   1  0.600227  0.892868  0.042187   1.0000  0.2

SE02   1  0.627518  0.852661  0.427392   0.8667  0.2

SE03   1  0.867409  0.911667  0.394418   0.8420  0.2

SE04   1  0.489761  0.805634  0.391009   0.7279  0.2

SE05   1  0.642792  0.649048  0.369694   0.7172  0.2

SE06   1  0.678879  0.535027  0.477918   0.4571  0.2

SE07   1  0.609207  0.572754  0.421746   0.4212  0.2

SE08   1  0.584526  0.536499  0.322047   0.4154  0.2

SE09   1  0.843063  0.846794  0.480296   0.3831  0.2

SE10   1  0.622429  0.743332  0.157899   0.3604  0.2

SE11   1  0.626114  0.528595  0.644789   0.3590  0.2




xs = xray.structure.from_shelx(file=StringIO(res)) # replace "file" by "filename" here to load from disk

xs_other_hand = xs.change_hand()

print xs.as_pdb_file()




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