Ok, not at OpenSSL install but after. Line 800 of auto_build/install_base_packages.py is 

    if self.flag_is_mac and not op.exists('/usr/include/zlib.h'):

I am afraid /usr/include has disappeared on Mojave!  

On 13 Aug 2019, at 15:28, Luc Bourhis <[email protected]> wrote:


I am trying to setup a Python 3 cctbx. I did

python bootstrap.py --git-ssh --python3 --builder cctbxlite

But it fails at the installation of OpenSSL. Clang version is "Apple LLVM version 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)”. I attached the OpenSSL install log but I don’t see any error in it. And the advice to run xcode-select is bogus: I have it already setup. 
Best wishes,


Installing OpenSSL...
  log file is /Users/luc/Developer/cctbx/base_tmp/OpenSSL_install_log
  getting package openssl-1.0.2r.tar.gz...
  installing openssl-1.0.2r.tar.gz...
  package openssl took 219.5s to install


zlib.h missing -- try running 'xcode-select --install' first
Process failed with return code 1
