Hi Prasun,

the .cpp and .h files are related to the C++ part of the code. If you are interested in dealing with it, other in the mail list will answer better than me. But if what you want is to use the python functions and interfaces, the package dealing with unit cell is uctbx (http://cctbx.sourceforge.net/current/python/cctbx.uctbx.html) .

best regards,

Claudia Millán (cmncri@ibmb.csic.es)

Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)

Barcelona, Spain

2013/3/19 prasun kumar <prasun30@gmail.com>
Dear all

I am developing a software for which I needed to use the unit cell generation module of the cctbx.
The software will be working for small molecule as well as macromolecule.

It will be a great help, if some body can suggest me the part of the program to be used as I am getting confused while selecting the .cpp and .h files.
Thanx alot in advance

Prasun Kumar
Desire + stability = Resolution
Resolution + Hard work = Success

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