Hi James,

i think that the method resolution_filter, of miller.array objects, could do that for you.


Claudia Millán (cmncri@ibmb.csic.es)

Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)

Barcelona, Spain

2013/3/21 James Stroud <xtald00d@gmail.com>
Hello All,

I'm new to cctbx and trying to get the most rudimentary understanding.

I would like to select all of the reflections within a particular resolution shell. This line from the tutorial:

  f_calc = quartz_structure.structure_factors(d_min=2).f_calc_array()

gets all structure factors through the highest resolution of d_min=2 Ĺ (excluding 0 0 0).

My question: is there an equivalent to a d_max argument for this function (i.e. a low resolution limit)?

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