Thanks Rob.  I've switched dials.stills_process to using easy_mp.multi_core_run.  I tested raising an error in one of the processes and confirmed the program finishes, and that I can print out the error message raised in the process.  This is great.


On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 4:13 AM, R.D. Oeffner <> wrote:
Hi Graeme,

As far as I can tell from you're using easy_mp.parallel_map() for your multiprocessing. I should use easy_mp.multi_core_run() instead. It is a different version of easy_mp.parallel_map().

One of its features is that it preserves stacktraces from individual child processes should they crash which is helpful for debugging. If a child process crashes in parallel_map() however you will not get a stacktrace from the offending child which makes correcting the misbehaviour more difficult.


On 13/12/2017 09:34, wrote:

Once again, lack of stack traces in easy_mp is a big annoyance

I forget the reasons why printing the actual error was a bad thing,
but I do remember a discussion some 18 mo past

Not wishing to replay the entire transaction, but could we revisit this?

Thanks Graeme

Begin forwarded message:

From: <<>>
Subject: [Dials-support] dials.stills_process crash report
Date: 12 December 2017 at 17:43:41 GMT

Perhaps this means something to someone. This is the SACLA data again,
it seems to run happily and then hit a problematic frame? Martin and I
see the error at pretty much the same point in the dataset, we were
both running on local machines rather than the cluster.


Detector 1 RMSDs by panel:
| Panel | Nref | RMSD_X  | RMSD_Y  | RMSD_DeltaPsi |
| id    |      | (px)    | (px)    | (deg)         |
| 1     | 89   | 0.37442 | 0.48949 | 0.2192        |
| 2     | 69   | 0.49627 | 0.4847  | 0.21385       |
| 5     | 90   | 0.48267 | 0.59909 | 0.22839       |
| 6     | 70   | 0.6094  | 0.55592 | 0.20944       |
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 870, in <module>
line 868, in <module>
line 383, in run
line 623, in parallel_map
   result = res()
line 119, in __call__
   self.traceback( exception = self.exception() )
line 86, in __call__
   raise exception
RuntimeError: Please report this error to<>:
exit code = -9

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