Hi Claudia,

why don't you have a look at phenix.real_space_correlation which answers exactly your question?

Anyway, here is the script that does what you want. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help with this.

import iotbx.pdb
from iotbx import reflection_file_reader
import mmtbx.f_model
from scitbx.array_family import flex

def exercise(pdb_file_name="1akg.pdb", reflection_file_name="1akg.mtz"):
  # get xray_strucute from PDB file
  pdb_inp = iotbx.pdb.input(file_name = pdb_file_name)
  xray_structure = pdb_inp.xray_structure_simple()
  print "Input model:"
  xray_structure.show_summary(prefix="  ")
  # read in Fobs and free-R flags
  miller_arrays = reflection_file_reader.any_reflection_file(file_name =
  for ma in miller_arrays:
    if(ma.info().labels == ['FOBS', 'SIGFOBS']):
      f_obs = ma
    if(ma.info().labels == ['R-free-flags']):
      r_free_flags = ma.customized_copy(data=ma.data()==1)
  print "Input data:"
  f_obs.show_comprehensive_summary(prefix="  ")
  print "Percentage of free-R flags:", r_free_flags.data().count(True)*100./\
  # get fmodel and do scaling and bulk-solvent modeling
  fmodel = mmtbx.f_model.manager(
    xray_structure = xray_structure,
    f_obs = f_obs,
    r_free_flags = r_free_flags)
  print "r_work=%6.4f r_free=%6.4f"%(fmodel.r_work(), fmodel.r_free())
  # calculate CC between Fobs and Fmodel
  cc = flex.linear_correlation(x=fmodel.f_obs().data(),
  if(not cc.is_well_defined()):
    print "Cannot compute CC"
  print "CC(Fobs, Fmodel): %6.4f"%cc.coefficient()
if(__name__ == "__main__"):


On 10/9/12 1:08 AM, Claudia Millán Nebot wrote:

Hi everyone,

i'm trying to get an xray.structure object from a pdb file, as i'm interested on using both this and a Miller array coming from a reflection file to calculate correlation coefficients between Fobs and Fcalc. For this purpose, i was searching for something that will do the same as the iotbx.pdb.xray_structure.as_pdb_file but the other way around. Is there such a tool? I've look for a while but as i'm new to all that maybe i missed something.

Thanks in advance and my excuses if is a too evident question,

Claudia Millán ([email protected])

Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC)

Barcelona, Spain