The c++ signature is shown by typing at the interpreter prompt:

help(obj), where obj is the object in question.  

This debugging can be done interactively by inserting a breakpoint with IPython:

from IPython import embed; embed()

But you need to install IPython first, like this:
libtbx.python -m easy_install IPython

You can ask C++ questions directly to this BB or to me.


Nicholas K. Sauter, Ph. D.
Senior Scientist, Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd., Bldg. 33R0345
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 486-5713

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 2:53 PM, James Holton <> wrote:

Hello all,

Is there any standard way to get the "C++ signature" of a python object?  I'm trying to get my _ext.cpp working, and its' maddening trying to figure out how to declare objects that need to be exposed via boost.


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