Here's an example of an IPython notebook for CCTBX:

Basically, it combines a notebook and an interactive python environment. Awesome times for command-line based analysis sessions, so you can keep track of everything you do, and easily share your work.

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Nathaniel Echols <> wrote:
On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Oliver Zeldin <> wrote:
Now.. can we make it take arguments from the command line? This way we can do things like

$libtbx.ipython notebook --matplotib

(or whatever)

For reference, the default ipython launcher does:

import re
import sys

from IPython import start_ipython

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])

Ralf's launcher (libtbx/command_line/ is from 2007 and I don't know of anyone else using it, so feel free to modify it if you think it could be made more useful.


cctbxbb mailing list

Dr. Oliver B. Zeldin
Brunger Group
Stanford University