
[email protected]

April 2012

  • 55 participants
  • 37 discussions
links in phenix summary
by Christian Roth 04 Apr '13

04 Apr '13
13 32
0 0

03 May '12
Re: [phenixbb] Scaling of diffraction data
by jens j birktoft 02 May '12

02 May '12
Inputting DNA for Phenix MR and/or Autobuild
by Charles Allerston 02 May '12

02 May '12
8 12
0 0
metal coordination
by Panne Daniel 30 Apr '12

30 Apr '12
Error of Sculptor
by Zhang yu 26 Apr '12

26 Apr '12
cut-out mtz edition
by Dialing Pretty 26 Apr '12

26 Apr '12
Geometry Restraints - UPDATE
by Mario Sanches 25 Apr '12

25 Apr '12