
[email protected]

July 2013

  • 37 participants
  • 41 discussions
ADP refinement of cysteinesulfonic acid
by Phillip Steindel 16 Jul '13

16 Jul '13
cis peptide question
by Edward A. Berry 16 Jul '13

16 Jul '13

15 Jul '13
Kicked difference maps
by Ho Leung Ng 13 Jul '13

13 Jul '13
problem with alternate conformations
by George Phillips 11 Jul '13

11 Jul '13
parallel phenix.phaser on SGE cluster
by L. Costenaro (IBB) 11 Jul '13

11 Jul '13
Location of Gaussian factors for ED calculation
by Schubert, Carsten [JRDUS] 10 Jul '13

10 Jul '13
give-up-quick Phaser in Rosetta
by Morten Grøftehauge 10 Jul '13

10 Jul '13