
[email protected]

March 2015

  • 35 participants
  • 31 discussions
PhD position in Structural Biology in Norway
by Hans-Petter Hersleth 24 Mar '15

24 Mar '15

23 Mar '15

22 Mar '15
error message in phenix refine
by Almudena Ponce Salvatierra 20 Mar '15

20 Mar '15
fixing rotamers with coot
by Benoît Masquida 19 Mar '15

19 Mar '15
on Phenix refine
by Smith Liu 19 Mar '15

19 Mar '15
on the eff file
by Smith Liu 19 Mar '15

19 Mar '15
the command to open the *.eff file
by Smith Lee 19 Mar '15

19 Mar '15
by Colin Levy 19 Mar '15

19 Mar '15
Ramachandran results from Structure_comparison tool
by Emilia C. Arturo (Emily) 18 Mar '15

18 Mar '15