Dear PhenixBBers,
I call upon your wisdom because I recently tried to install Phenix 1.20
on a windows subsystem for linux distribution of Manjaro (Archlinux
based) and have failed with the following error :
Phenix Installation
version: 1.20.1-4487
machine type: intel-linux-2.6-x86_64
OS version:
destination: /home/my_machine/phenix-1.20.1-4487
# of processors: 20
Configuring Phenix components...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./bin/", line 268, in <module>
line 200, in install
line 349, in install_from_binary
line 431, in reconfigure
call(args=args, log=log, verbose=self.options.verbose)
line 55, in call
raise RuntimeError("Call to '%s' failed with exit code %d" % (args,
RuntimeError: Call to
--current_working_directory /home/my_machine/phenix-1.20.1-4487/build
--command_version_suffix 1.20.1-4487 phenix phaser phasertng
solve_resolve labelit dials xia2 iota prime amber_adaptbx --use_conda'
failed with exit code 127
Trying to install Phenix 1.21 has produced the same error.
I have not managed to solve this, regardless of whether I was running
the installation command with sudo privileges or as root. For context, I
successfully installed Phenix 1.20 on the same machine and same
distribution 6 months ago, but had to reinstall everything since and it
does not work anymore now.
Have you heard of such an error? Do you have a hint on how to fix it?
Best regards,
Nicolas Caramello
PhD student
Structural Biology Group - ESRF
/Institut für Nanostruktur/- /und/ Festkörperphysik- Universität Hamburg