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  • 7 participants
  • 5116 discussions
Adding H atoms - AssertionError
by Kristof Van Hecke 05 Sep '12

05 Sep '12

05 Sep '12
mr_rosetta and Condor
by Dmitry Rodionov 05 Sep '12

05 Sep '12
phenix/ccp4 monomer library compatibility
by Wulf Blankenfeldt 05 Sep '12

05 Sep '12
B factor refinement in recent versions of phenix
by "Weiergräber, Oliver H." 30 Aug '12

30 Aug '12
Phaser and PTNCS - bug fixed in latest builder for Phenix?
by Rafael Lemos Miguez Counago 29 Aug '12

29 Aug '12
Funky message on phaser MR
by Rafael Lemos Miguez Counago 27 Aug '12

27 Aug '12
HB_score in Ligand Identification
by Brad C. Bennett 23 Aug '12

23 Aug '12
real space correlation
by Bradley Hintze 22 Aug '12

22 Aug '12