We are running phenix (743) on a RHEL5 dual quad, multithread, making a composite
omit map pf a very large structure (750 AA) and the system keeps getting locked up.
Have anyone else seen this type of problem? Does multiprocessing work well on RHEL
or just FC versions? We needed to install the FC8 version (/phenix-1.7.1-743/build/intel-linux-2.6-x86_64)
to get it to work. So maybe we are using the wrong version? Shoiuld I recompile it for
our system? Why is the gui always open when we are running long jobs (many days)? We need to
put this stuff in the background and log out so someone else can run.
Should scripts be used instead of the gui?
Great program but too unstable.
Kenneth A. Satyshur, M.S.,Ph.D.
Associate Scientist
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin 53706