Hello all,
I am wondering if anyone has run across this problem and knows how to fix it.
I have a twinned dateset and I am using phenix.refine to refine the dataset.
I have the full 1.5-2 installation.
When I include the twin law (-k, -h, -l) in the refinement, I get this error:
File "/usr/swr/phenix-1.5-2/cctbx_project/mmtbx/twinning/twin_f_model.py",
line 1651, in map_coefficients
If I do not include the twin law, I do not get the error and the
refinment continues as normal.
When I downgraded to Phenix.1.4-3 (full install), And use the same
twin law, I am able to run phenix.refine without an error.
I have attached my definition file for phenix.1.5-2 amd the log file.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,
Kelly Daughtry
Kelly Daughtry
PhD Candidate
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Boston University School of Medicine
590 Commonwealth Ave
R 390
Boston MA, 02215
(P) 617-358-5548