Hey all,
I've been digging around with a nasty dataset for a while, twinning,
pseudosymmetry, etc. Phenix.xtriage has helped me make some guesses as
to what's going on, but phenix.twin_map_utils fails. I used an mtz file
obtained from XDS via f2mtz and cad as xray data, like so:
phenix.twin_map_utils xray_data.file=blah.mtz model=blah.pdb
unit_cell=86.623,86.623,121.357,90,90,120 space_group=P65
Here's the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 7, in <module>
line 256, in run
tmp_params = utils.r_free_flags_params.extract()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'r_free_flags_params'
I see the error on a recent macbook pro with current cci_apps. How can
I get around it?
ps. I apologize if that question posted to the board earlier. I wrote
from a wrong account.