Hi Linux/Phenix users-- We are now building installers on several "new" platforms, including Ubuntu 10.04 and several versions of CentOS (which isn't much different from Fedora, except that it's supported by the virtual machine software we're using). Since we don't actually run these OSes outside of the VMs, we're going to crowd-source the testing a little more than usual. Our goal is to retire our ancient Fedora 3 systems - these are old and slow and take up too much space, but it's also the most compatible with other distributions. I'm hoping that the CentOS 5 builds will be a suitable replacement, or perhaps CentOS 4 (but we can only build the 32-bit installer on that OS). In addition to Ubuntu, I'm particularly interested in hearing whether any of these builds runs smoothly on SuSE and Debian. The virtual machine software supposedly supports these OSes too but I haven't yet managed to install SuSE on it after several attempts. The latest builds are here: https://www.phenix-online.org/download/phenix/nightly/?version=dev-1558&show_all=1 We're missing the 64-bit CentOS 5 build right now, but I hope to get that working in the next few days. thanks, Nat