Hi, Is it "GLIB" or "glibc" that is missing ? Please read further below: There are a couple of rpm find utilities that allow you to locate packages that are missing at your end, http://www.rpmfind.net and http://rpm.pbone.net/ Redhat uses rpms as far as I can remember so that would be quite suitable. But you need to know the package that is missing or (part of) the content of that package. And you need to have root access in order to install the missing package(s). It would have been helpful to enclose a few lines of the (verbose) output of make. Using a command like "make >& makefile.output" (i.e. a redirection of all output that includes error messages) to a file called "makefile.output" (or whatever you want as a file name) can be helpful for that purpose. With all necessary install flags of the make command, of course. Fred. arka chakraborty wrote:
Hi all I am facing a problem while installing phenix 1.7.3 on Redhat Enterprise 5 OS. I have tried with fedora 3 binary as instructed in the download page and also with others but nothing works. I have tried installing from the root. Every time the error log is states that GLIB 2.4 is unavailable which is required by user/local/.. Please help!
Thanks in advance,
/ARKA CHAKRABORTY/ /CAS in Crystallography and Biophysics/ /University of Madras/ /Chennai,India/
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