Hi Ursula,
For a case where you want to use one chain as a reference model for
multiple chains in your working model, you need to specify the
selections like this in your parameter file:
refinement.reference_model.reference_group {
reference = chain A
selection = chain A
refinement.reference_model.reference_group {
reference = chain A
selection = chain B
refinement.reference_model.reference_group {
reference = chain A
selection = chain C
This would restrain chains A, B, and C in your working model to chain
A in the reference model.
If you run into any further trouble, please let me know.
On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 12:32 PM, Ursula Schulze-Gahmen
I am refining a 3.1 A structure and are trying to use model restraints for this. There are 3 molecules in the asymmetric unit of my structure. I input the high resolution structure of one molecule of the reference structure to create restraints during the refinement. From looking at the log file, it seems to me that the reference structure is aligned to only one of my molecules, but not the other 2. How can I make sure the restraints are valid for all 3 molecules.
-- Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D. Assistant Researcher UC Berkeley, QB3 356 Stanley Hall #3220 Berkeley, CA 94720-3220
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