On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Bryan Lepore
i keep getting this error :
The number of entries in identity_list ([80.0, 80.0]) needs to be the same as the number of entries in ensemble_1.coords (1)
on the command line, i specify the ensemble as :
coords='MR_probe_5_match_to_9.pdb MR_probe_9.pdb' identity='80 80'
it gets picked up like this : ... ensembleID = "ensemble_1" copies_to_find = None coords = "MR_probe_5.pdb MR_probe_9.pdb" identity = 80 80 ...
i tried using quotes or not, and rmsd. i'm using "\" for the shell - what am i missing here? any clues to look for?
Pathname parameters that are multiple have to be specified separately - you can't run them together like that on the command line. (It's fine for simpler list parameters like the identity.) I'd try this first: coords="MR_probe_5.pdb" coords="MR_probe_9.pdb" etc. If that doesn't work, you need to run it from a parameter file instead. Alternately, use phenix.ensembler to generate a single multi-model PDB file. -Nat