Hi Nigel
Thanks for this information. To be more specific. If the ribosome contains many modified bases then I have to generate restraints for each of these ligands separately and add them one by one using the Real Space Refinement Add file menu along with the map and the whole 40S coordinates and run it. Am I right ? Is there anyway If the protein contains multiple ligands and you want to generate for all in a single output file as it does in refmac, in that case a single cif file should work for all. I saw one option here but it says it is generally not preferred to generate restraints for multiple ligands from the pdb.
My second question is regarding Elbow which is how to use it in its best possible way, particularly for determining the final geometry of the ligand. For example the tool suggests that one can Use simple optimization, or Optimize using elbow AM1 QM method, or Optimize using 3rd party QM package, or Provide final geometry from file.
What do you think? What to use for a general restraint generation for a ligand from an already known structure.
I am new to Phenix, would appreciate it if you please share with me a general workflow for using eLBOW and how to use it during refinement.