Hi Phenix users, I tried to utilize the Rosetta-MR to solve an Esterase structure (389 residues, 2 molecules/asu) which has 22% sequence identity to the know structure. I used HHPred to prepare the alignment input and Robetta fragment server to generate the fragment files. I also performed a quick test of mr-rosetta by running the command phenix_regression.wizards.test_command_line_rosetta_quick_tests. I think there is no error on my input files or the system. However, the program never finished. It still shows me the "Placing Model..." status. It's running around 48 hours and still show the same log file (at "Running group of place_model" step). I am not sure if it's normal to wait days or weeks to get the work done when running Rosetta-MR? Thank you for your helpful input. Best wishes, Tri -- * TriNgo * Structural Biology Lab School of Medicine - Sungkyunkwan University Phone: 031-299-6150 Cell: 010-7774-8210