On Jul 1, 2009, at 7:52 AM, Felix Frolow wrote:
I have a problem which was communicated some time ago, but I do not know if it was solved I ssh -X (or -Y) from one Mac to another Mac and trying to activate any of phenix gui's I get:
[xray5:phenix.app/Contents/Resources] felixfrolow% phenix2 This program needs access to the screen. Please run with 'pythonw', not 'python', and only when you are logged in on the main display of your Mac.
This only works with programs written for X-windows - but the Mac versions of the Phenix GUIs use wxPython, which wraps native controls, specifically, the Carbon API, which unlike X11 doesn't support redirecting display over the network. You need to use a program like Remote Desktop or VNC to run native Mac apps over the network. In general, I haven't tested running the GUI over the network very heavily; I find it difficult to use this way (even on a very fast network like we have here), especially since 3D graphics are near- useless. I would like for the GUI to be able to run processes remotely, but this is probably not going to happen before the next official release. -Nat ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]