Hi Juergen, I think the answer to your question is that you want to be in the same directory where you originally started your run when you issue the command to re-run mr_rosetta (not in the MR_ROSETTA_3 directory). Let me know if that does not help! All the best, Tom T ________________________________ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] on behalf of Juergen Koepke [[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 5:00 AM To: [email protected] Cc: Thorsten Luft Subject: Re: [phenixbb] mr_rosetta pause & resume Dear Tom, I found in the phenixbb exactly my case discribed as you wrote on July 22nd, 2013 on reply of Morten Grøftehauge: Hi Morten, Yes, you'll need to specify the start_point (otherwise it will start from the beginning considering the solutions you have in the .pkl file along with ones that it finds along the way). I don't know if rosetta3.5 makes a difference in mr_rosetta; I'd be happy to hear from anyone on this. All the best, Tom T but unfortunately after launching the command "phenix.mr_rosetta mr_rosetta_params.eff start_point=rosetta_rescore mr_rosetta_solutions=./rebuild_results.pkl" I get the following error message: Sorry: Unable to create temporary directory MR_ROSETTA_3 Error message is: The directory MR_ROSETTA_3 could not be created (it may already exist) but this looks not logical to me since I am in directory MR_ROSETTA_3 because I want to restart were the program stopped after the crash. Do I have to restart the program from within another directory or what ist the trick? I must admit I first started without the start_point=rosetta_rescore until I realized the program had started my job from the very beginning. Thus i killed the processes again and tried the above with the start_point included. Has my previous attempt already confused something? __________________________________ Dr. Juergen Koepke Project Leader ESFRI-Instruct Core Centre Max-Planck-Inst. of Biophysics Dept. Molecular Membrane Biol. Max-von-Laue Str. 3 D-60438 Frankfurt/Main Germany T: [49] 69 6303 1055 F: [49] 69 6303 1002 C: [49] 151 2263 6736 Email: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] URL: https://registration.cc.biophys.mpg.de