I don’t think the two things are related, but - when running under Mac OS the refinement tests of Rosetta (3.9 = 2018.09.60072) with PHENIX 1.14-3260 - I am also getting a (different) RuntimeError. The same test suite worked just fine with 1.13, so maybe there’s some general Rosetta compatibility issue with 1.14?
Best, Luca

On 6 Oct 2018, at 15:12, Simone Pellegrino <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear all,

I encounter a problem running the rosetta.run_tests after having compiled rosetta for interfacing with phenix. I have the following error:

DEBUG dumping error message
ERROR: Rosetta exited with status 139
stderr output:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/Downloads/phenix-installer-1.14-3260-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/build/../modules/phenix/phenix/command_line/rosetta_refine.py", line 307, in <module>
    run(sys.argv[1:], create_dir=True)
  File "/home/Downloads/phenix-installer-1.14-3260-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/build/../modules/phenix/phenix/command_line/rosetta_refine.py", line 191, in run
  File "/home/Downloads/phenix-installer-1.14-3260-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 313, in __init__
  File "/home/Downloads/phenix-installer-1.14-3260-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 387, in run_jobs
  File "/home/Downloads/phenix-installer-1.14-3260-intel-linux-2.6-x86_64-centos6/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 378, in check_result
    raise RuntimeError("Aborted due to error in job %d." % result.job_id)
RuntimeError: Aborted due to error in job 1.

Could you please help me in solving this issue?
Many thanks in advance
Best regards

Dr. Simone Pellegrino
1, Rue Laurent Fries
67404 Illkirch Cedex
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OSX> rosetta.run_tests
Running Rosetta refinement tests
phenix.rosetta_refine /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.pdb /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz number_of_models=2

============================== Collecting inputs ==============================

                   ----------Processing X-ray data----------

Miller array info: /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz:FOBS_X,SIGFOBS_X
Observation type: xray.amplitude
Type of data: double, size=495
Type of sigmas: double, size=495
Number of Miller indices: 495
Anomalous flag: False
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
Systematic absences: 0
Centric reflections: 199
Resolution range: 22.4416 1.80066
Completeness in resolution range: 0.895118
Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.895118
Wavelength: 1.0000

Number of F-obs in resolution range:                   495
Number of F-obs<0 (these reflections will be rejected): 0
Number of F-obs=0 (these reflections will be used in refinement): 0
Refinement resolution range: d_max =  22.4416
                             d_min =   1.8007

R-free flags:
Miller array info: /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz:R-free-flags
Observation type: None
Type of data: int, size=495
Type of sigmas: None
Number of Miller indices: 495
Anomalous flag: False
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
Systematic absences: 0
Centric reflections: 199
Resolution range: 22.4416 1.80066
Completeness in resolution range: 0.895118
Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.895118
Wavelength: 1.0000

Test (R-free flags) flag value: 1

Number of work/free reflections by resolution:
                                    work free  %free
  bin  1: 22.4433 -  3.8734 [61/70]   59    2   3.3%
  bin  2:  3.8734 -  3.0770 [53/58]   49    4   7.5%
  bin  3:  3.0770 -  2.6887 [49/55]   46    3   6.1%
  bin  4:  2.6887 -  2.4432 [37/40]   35    2   5.4%
  bin  5:  2.4432 -  2.2683 [62/66]   60    2   3.2%
  bin  6:  2.2683 -  2.1347 [51/56]   49    2   3.9%
  bin  7:  2.1347 -  2.0278 [50/55]   46    4   8.0%
  bin  8:  2.0278 -  1.9396 [49/56]   49    0   0.0%
  bin  9:  1.9396 -  1.8650 [43/50]   42    1   2.3%
  bin 10:  1.8650 -  1.8007 [40/47]   40    0   0.0%
                            overall  475   20   4.0%

                   ----------Processing PDB file(s)----------

  Monomer Library directory:
  Total number of atoms: 66
  Number of models: 1
  Model: ""
    Number of chains: 2
    Chain: "A"
      Number of atoms: 59
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 7, 59
          Classifications: {'peptide': 7}
          Modifications used: {'COO': 1}
          Link IDs: {'TRANS': 6}
    Chain: " "
      Number of atoms: 7
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 7, 7
          Classifications: {'water': 7}
          Link IDs: {None: 6}
  Time building chain proxies: 0.06, per 1000 atoms: 0.91
  Number of scatterers: 66
  At special positions: 0
  Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
  Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
  Number of sites at special positions: 0
  Number of scattering types: 3
    Type Number    sf(0)
     O      21      8.00
     N      12      7.00
     C      33      6.00
    sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0.

  Number of disulfides: simple=0, symmetry=0
  Custom bonds:
    Warning: Ignoring bond with distance_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
    Total number of custom bonds: 0
  Custom angles:
    Warning: Ignoring angle with angle_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
      atom_selection_3 = None
    Total number of custom angles: 0
  Custom dihedrals:
    Warning: Ignoring dihedral with angle_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
      atom_selection_3 = None
      atom_selection_4 = None
    Total number of custom dihedrals: 0
  Custom planarities:
    Warning: Ignoring planarity with with sigma <= 0:
      atom_selection = None
    Total number of custom planarities: 0
  Custom parallelities:
Warning: Ignoring parallelity with empty atom selection.
    Total number of custom parallelities: 0

  Automatic linking
    Parameters for automatic linking
      Linking & cutoffs
        Metal                : False - 3.50
        Amimo acid           : False - 1.90
        Carbohydrate         : True  - 1.99
        Ligands              : True  - 1.99
        Small molecules      : False - 1.98
        Amino acid - RNA/DNA : False

  Number of custom bonds: simple=0, symmetry=0
  Time building additional restraints: 0.01
  Conformation dependent library (CDL) restraints added in 3.8 milliseconds

  Adding C-beta torsion restraints...
  Number of C-beta restraints generated:  12

  Time building geometry restraints manager: 0.03 seconds

  NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting
        output of .geo file.

  Histogram of bond lengths:
        1.23 -     1.29: 13
        1.29 -     1.36: 11
        1.36 -     1.42: 7
        1.42 -     1.49: 6
        1.49 -     1.55: 22
  Bond restraints: 59
  Sorted by residual:
  bond pdb=" N   GLY A   1 "
       pdb=" CA  GLY A   1 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.451  1.507 -0.056 1.60e-02 3.91e+03 1.23e+01
  bond pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
       pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.522  1.553 -0.030 1.18e-02 7.18e+03 6.53e+00
  bond pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
       pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.460  1.485 -0.025 1.17e-02 7.31e+03 4.40e+00
  bond pdb=" CA  ASN A   2 "
       pdb=" C   ASN A   2 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.524  1.498  0.025 1.26e-02 6.30e+03 4.00e+00
  bond pdb=" CA  ASN A   6 "
       pdb=" C   ASN A   6 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.526  1.504  0.022 1.28e-02 6.10e+03 2.85e+00
  ... (remaining 54 not shown)

  Histogram of bond angle deviations from ideal:
      107.05 -   110.59: 8
      110.59 -   114.13: 19
      114.13 -   117.67: 11
      117.67 -   121.21: 23
      121.21 -   124.75: 18
  Bond angle restraints: 79
  Sorted by residual:
  angle pdb=" N   ASN A   3 "
        pdb=" CA  ASN A   3 "
        pdb=" C   ASN A   3 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     108.90  113.48   -4.58 1.63e+00 3.76e-01 7.90e+00
  angle pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     108.02  111.93   -3.91 1.78e+00 3.16e-01 4.84e+00
  angle pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" O   GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     120.33  122.27   -1.94 1.08e+00 8.57e-01 3.23e+00
  angle pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" O   GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     120.38  122.31   -1.93 1.09e+00 8.42e-01 3.13e+00
  angle pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     123.00  120.57    2.43 1.38e+00 5.25e-01 3.09e+00
  ... (remaining 74 not shown)

  Histogram of dihedral angle deviations from ideal:
        0.04 -    14.51: 26
       14.51 -    28.98: 5
       28.98 -    43.45: 1
       43.45 -    57.92: 1
       57.92 -    72.39: 1
  Dihedral angle restraints: 34
    sinusoidal: 15
      harmonic: 19
  Sorted by residual:
  dihedral pdb=" CA  ASN A   3 "
           pdb=" C   ASN A   3 "
           pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta  harmonic     sigma   weight residual
     180.00  166.21   13.79     0      5.00e+00 4.00e-02 7.60e+00
  dihedral pdb=" CB  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" CG  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" CD  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" OE1 GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta sinusoidal    sigma   weight residual
       0.00  -72.39   72.39     2      3.00e+01 1.11e-03 4.85e+00
  dihedral pdb=" CB  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CG  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CD  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" OE1 GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta sinusoidal    sigma   weight residual
       0.00   54.08  -54.08     2      3.00e+01 1.11e-03 3.50e+00
  ... (remaining 31 not shown)

  Histogram of chiral volume deviations from ideal:
       0.000 -    0.024: 1
       0.024 -    0.047: 1
       0.047 -    0.071: 1
       0.071 -    0.094: 1
       0.094 -    0.118: 2
  Chirality restraints: 6
  Sorted by residual:
  chirality pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" C   GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" CB  GLN A   5 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.39    0.12 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 3.48e-01
  chirality pdb=" CA  ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" N   ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" C   ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" CB  ASN A   6 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.62   -0.11 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 2.86e-01
  chirality pdb=" CA  ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" N   ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" C   ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" CB  ASN A   2 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.43    0.08 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 1.80e-01
  ... (remaining 3 not shown)

  Planarity restraints: 13
  Sorted by residual:
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CB  TYR A   7 "   -0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   9.66e-03 1.87e+00
        pdb=" CG  TYR A   7 "    0.022 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CD1 TYR A   7 "   -0.004 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CD2 TYR A   7 "   -0.008 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CE1 TYR A   7 "   -0.001 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CE2 TYR A   7 "    0.002 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CZ  TYR A   7 "   -0.011 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CB  ASN A   2 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   1.19e-02 1.42e+00
        pdb=" CG  ASN A   2 "   -0.021 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" OD1 ASN A   2 "    0.008 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" ND2 ASN A   2 "    0.007 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "    0.005 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   1.09e-02 1.18e+00
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "   -0.019 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" O   GLN A   4 "    0.007 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
  ... (remaining 10 not shown)

  Histogram of nonbonded interaction distances:
        2.53 -     3.00: 50
        3.00 -     3.48: 107
        3.48 -     3.95: 243
        3.95 -     4.42: 255
        4.42 -     4.90: 523
  Nonbonded interactions: 1178
  Sorted by model distance:
  nonbonded pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    11 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.525 2.440 -x+1,y-1/2,-z+1
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    11 "
            pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.525 2.440 -x+1,y+1/2,-z+1
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    14 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    13 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.634 2.440 x,y-1,z
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    13 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    14 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.634 2.440 x,y+1,z
  nonbonded pdb=" N   GLY A   1 "
            pdb=" O   GLY A   1 "
     model   vdw
     2.665 2.496
  ... (remaining 1173 not shown)

  NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting
        output of .geo file.

============================== Scattering factors =============================

                ----------X-ray scattering dictionary----------

Number of scattering types: 3
  Type Number    sf(0)   Gaussians
   O      21      7.97       2
   N      12      6.97       2
   C      33      5.97       2
  sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0.

Number of scatterers: 66
At special positions: 0
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)

                  ----------F(model) initialization----------

Twinning will be detected automatically.
                   start: r(all,work,free)=0.2072 0.2084 0.1924 n_refl.: 495
       re-set all scales: r(all,work,free)=0.2072 0.2084 0.1924 n_refl.: 495
         remove outliers: r(all,work,free)=0.2103 0.2117 0.1924 n_refl.: 493
bulk-solvent and scaling: r(all,work,free)=0.1755 0.1758 0.1728 n_refl.: 493
         remove outliers: r(all,work,free)=0.1755 0.1758 0.1728 n_refl.: 493
|--(resolution: 1.80 - 22.44 A, n_refl.=493 (all), 4.06  % free)--------------|
|                                                                             |
| r_work= 0.1758 r_free= 0.1728 coordinate error (max.-lik. estimate): 0.00 A |
|                                                                             |
| normalized target function (ml) (work): 2.637727                            |
| target function (ml) not normalized (work): 1247.644901                     |
| target function (ml) not normalized (free): 60.766973                       |

End of input processing

======================= ROSETTA/PHENIX X-ray refinement =======================

Output directory:

             ----------Setting up input files for Rosetta----------

|-starting model--------------------------------------------------------------|
| target_work(ml) = 2.63773  r_work = 0.1758  r_free = 0.1728                 |

  Validation statistics (starting model):
    Ramachandran outliers =   0.00 %
                  favored = 100.00 %
    Rotamer outliers      =   0.00 %
    C-beta deviations     =     0
    Clashscore            =   0.00
    RMS(bonds)            =   0.0000
    RMS(angles)           =   0.00
    MolProbity score      =   0.50

Rosetta command-line arguments:
  -parser:protocol /usr/local/rosetta/rosetta-2018.09.60072/main/source/src/apps/public/crystal_refinement/low_resolution_refine.xml
  -s 1yjp_rosetta_in.pdb
  -mtzfile 1yjp_rosetta_data.mtz
  -parser:script_vars symmdef=1yjp_rosetta.symm
  -parser:script_vars bfactstrat=individual
  -parser:script_vars map_type=Auto
  -nstruct 1

Generating 2 models on 1 processors...

    1: r_work = 0.4326  r_free = 0.4380  energy =   -19.44  rmsd = 26.004 ***
    2: r_work = 0.3910  r_free = 0.5014  energy =    34.57  rmsd = 12.233

|-after ROSETTA---------------------------------------------------------------|
| target_work(ml) = 3.3273  r_work = 0.4326  r_free = 0.4380                  |

  Validation statistics after ROSETTA:
    Ramachandran outliers =   0.00 %
                  favored = 100.00 %
    Rotamer outliers      =   0.00 %
    C-beta deviations     =     1
    Clashscore            =  18.69
    RMS(bonds)            =   0.0000
    RMS(angles)           =   0.00
    MolProbity score      =   1.77

         ----------Running phenix.refine (with null strategy)----------

start   r_work=0.4915  r_free=0.4690
1_bss   r_work=0.3789  r_free=0.4327
end     r_work=0.3789  r_free=0.4327
  Ramachandran outliers =   0.00 %
                favored = 100.00 %
  Rotamer outliers      =   0.00 %
  C-beta deviations     =     1
  Clashscore            =  19.05
  RMS(bonds)            =   0.0000
  RMS(angles)           =   0.00
  MolProbity score      =   1.78

                       ----------Final results----------

Refined model: 1yjp_rosetta_phenix_001.pdb
Final maps:    1yjp_rosetta_phenix_001.mtz

Elapsed time: 669.9s


DiMaio F., Echols N., Headd J.J., Terwilliger T.C., Adams P.D., and Baker D.
(2013). Improved low-resolution crystallographic refinement with Phenix and
Rosetta. Nat Methods 10, 1102-4.

phenix.rosetta_refine /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.pdb /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz number_of_models=2 nproc=2

============================== Collecting inputs ==============================

                   ----------Processing X-ray data----------

Miller array info: /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz:FOBS_X,SIGFOBS_X
Observation type: xray.amplitude
Type of data: double, size=495
Type of sigmas: double, size=495
Number of Miller indices: 495
Anomalous flag: False
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
Systematic absences: 0
Centric reflections: 199
Resolution range: 22.4416 1.80066
Completeness in resolution range: 0.895118
Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.895118
Wavelength: 1.0000

Number of F-obs in resolution range:                   495
Number of F-obs<0 (these reflections will be rejected): 0
Number of F-obs=0 (these reflections will be used in refinement): 0
Refinement resolution range: d_max =  22.4416
                             d_min =   1.8007

R-free flags:
Miller array info: /usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix_regression/refinement/data/1yjp.mtz:R-free-flags
Observation type: None
Type of data: int, size=495
Type of sigmas: None
Number of Miller indices: 495
Anomalous flag: False
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
Systematic absences: 0
Centric reflections: 199
Resolution range: 22.4416 1.80066
Completeness in resolution range: 0.895118
Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.895118
Wavelength: 1.0000

Test (R-free flags) flag value: 1

Number of work/free reflections by resolution:
                                    work free  %free
  bin  1: 22.4433 -  3.8734 [61/70]   59    2   3.3%
  bin  2:  3.8734 -  3.0770 [53/58]   49    4   7.5%
  bin  3:  3.0770 -  2.6887 [49/55]   46    3   6.1%
  bin  4:  2.6887 -  2.4432 [37/40]   35    2   5.4%
  bin  5:  2.4432 -  2.2683 [62/66]   60    2   3.2%
  bin  6:  2.2683 -  2.1347 [51/56]   49    2   3.9%
  bin  7:  2.1347 -  2.0278 [50/55]   46    4   8.0%
  bin  8:  2.0278 -  1.9396 [49/56]   49    0   0.0%
  bin  9:  1.9396 -  1.8650 [43/50]   42    1   2.3%
  bin 10:  1.8650 -  1.8007 [40/47]   40    0   0.0%
                            overall  475   20   4.0%

                   ----------Processing PDB file(s)----------

  Monomer Library directory:
  Total number of atoms: 66
  Number of models: 1
  Model: ""
    Number of chains: 2
    Chain: "A"
      Number of atoms: 59
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 7, 59
          Classifications: {'peptide': 7}
          Modifications used: {'COO': 1}
          Link IDs: {'TRANS': 6}
    Chain: " "
      Number of atoms: 7
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 7, 7
          Classifications: {'water': 7}
          Link IDs: {None: 6}
  Time building chain proxies: 0.06, per 1000 atoms: 0.91
  Number of scatterers: 66
  At special positions: 0
  Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
  Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
  Number of sites at special positions: 0
  Number of scattering types: 3
    Type Number    sf(0)
     O      21      8.00
     N      12      7.00
     C      33      6.00
    sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0.

  Number of disulfides: simple=0, symmetry=0
  Custom bonds:
    Warning: Ignoring bond with distance_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
    Total number of custom bonds: 0
  Custom angles:
    Warning: Ignoring angle with angle_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
      atom_selection_3 = None
    Total number of custom angles: 0
  Custom dihedrals:
    Warning: Ignoring dihedral with angle_ideal = None:
      atom_selection_1 = None
      atom_selection_2 = None
      atom_selection_3 = None
      atom_selection_4 = None
    Total number of custom dihedrals: 0
  Custom planarities:
    Warning: Ignoring planarity with with sigma <= 0:
      atom_selection = None
    Total number of custom planarities: 0
  Custom parallelities:
Warning: Ignoring parallelity with empty atom selection.
    Total number of custom parallelities: 0

  Automatic linking
    Parameters for automatic linking
      Linking & cutoffs
        Metal                : False - 3.50
        Amimo acid           : False - 1.90
        Carbohydrate         : True  - 1.99
        Ligands              : True  - 1.99
        Small molecules      : False - 1.98
        Amino acid - RNA/DNA : False

  Number of custom bonds: simple=0, symmetry=0
  Time building additional restraints: 0.01
  Conformation dependent library (CDL) restraints added in 2.9 milliseconds

  Adding C-beta torsion restraints...
  Number of C-beta restraints generated:  12

  Time building geometry restraints manager: 0.01 seconds

  NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting
        output of .geo file.

  Histogram of bond lengths:
        1.23 -     1.29: 13
        1.29 -     1.36: 11
        1.36 -     1.42: 7
        1.42 -     1.49: 6
        1.49 -     1.55: 22
  Bond restraints: 59
  Sorted by residual:
  bond pdb=" N   GLY A   1 "
       pdb=" CA  GLY A   1 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.451  1.507 -0.056 1.60e-02 3.91e+03 1.23e+01
  bond pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
       pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.522  1.553 -0.030 1.18e-02 7.18e+03 6.53e+00
  bond pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
       pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.460  1.485 -0.025 1.17e-02 7.31e+03 4.40e+00
  bond pdb=" CA  ASN A   2 "
       pdb=" C   ASN A   2 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.524  1.498  0.025 1.26e-02 6.30e+03 4.00e+00
  bond pdb=" CA  ASN A   6 "
       pdb=" C   ASN A   6 "
    ideal  model  delta    sigma   weight residual
    1.526  1.504  0.022 1.28e-02 6.10e+03 2.85e+00
  ... (remaining 54 not shown)

  Histogram of bond angle deviations from ideal:
      107.05 -   110.59: 8
      110.59 -   114.13: 19
      114.13 -   117.67: 11
      117.67 -   121.21: 23
      121.21 -   124.75: 18
  Bond angle restraints: 79
  Sorted by residual:
  angle pdb=" N   ASN A   3 "
        pdb=" CA  ASN A   3 "
        pdb=" C   ASN A   3 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     108.90  113.48   -4.58 1.63e+00 3.76e-01 7.90e+00
  angle pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     108.02  111.93   -3.91 1.78e+00 3.16e-01 4.84e+00
  angle pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" O   GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     120.33  122.27   -1.94 1.08e+00 8.57e-01 3.23e+00
  angle pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" C   GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" O   GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     120.38  122.31   -1.93 1.09e+00 8.42e-01 3.13e+00
  angle pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "
        pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "
        pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
     123.00  120.57    2.43 1.38e+00 5.25e-01 3.09e+00
  ... (remaining 74 not shown)

  Histogram of dihedral angle deviations from ideal:
        0.04 -    14.51: 26
       14.51 -    28.98: 5
       28.98 -    43.45: 1
       43.45 -    57.92: 1
       57.92 -    72.39: 1
  Dihedral angle restraints: 34
    sinusoidal: 15
      harmonic: 19
  Sorted by residual:
  dihedral pdb=" CA  ASN A   3 "
           pdb=" C   ASN A   3 "
           pdb=" N   GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta  harmonic     sigma   weight residual
     180.00  166.21   13.79     0      5.00e+00 4.00e-02 7.60e+00
  dihedral pdb=" CB  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" CG  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" CD  GLN A   5 "
           pdb=" OE1 GLN A   5 "
      ideal   model   delta sinusoidal    sigma   weight residual
       0.00  -72.39   72.39     2      3.00e+01 1.11e-03 4.85e+00
  dihedral pdb=" CB  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CG  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" CD  GLN A   4 "
           pdb=" OE1 GLN A   4 "
      ideal   model   delta sinusoidal    sigma   weight residual
       0.00   54.08  -54.08     2      3.00e+01 1.11e-03 3.50e+00
  ... (remaining 31 not shown)

  Histogram of chiral volume deviations from ideal:
       0.000 -    0.024: 1
       0.024 -    0.047: 1
       0.047 -    0.071: 1
       0.071 -    0.094: 1
       0.094 -    0.118: 2
  Chirality restraints: 6
  Sorted by residual:
  chirality pdb=" CA  GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" C   GLN A   5 "
            pdb=" CB  GLN A   5 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.39    0.12 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 3.48e-01
  chirality pdb=" CA  ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" N   ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" C   ASN A   6 "
            pdb=" CB  ASN A   6 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.62   -0.11 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 2.86e-01
  chirality pdb=" CA  ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" N   ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" C   ASN A   2 "
            pdb=" CB  ASN A   2 "
    both_signs  ideal   model   delta    sigma   weight residual
      False      2.51    2.43    0.08 2.00e-01 2.50e+01 1.80e-01
  ... (remaining 3 not shown)

  Planarity restraints: 13
  Sorted by residual:
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CB  TYR A   7 "   -0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   9.66e-03 1.87e+00
        pdb=" CG  TYR A   7 "    0.022 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CD1 TYR A   7 "   -0.004 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CD2 TYR A   7 "   -0.008 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CE1 TYR A   7 "   -0.001 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CE2 TYR A   7 "    0.002 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" CZ  TYR A   7 "   -0.011 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CB  ASN A   2 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   1.19e-02 1.42e+00
        pdb=" CG  ASN A   2 "   -0.021 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" OD1 ASN A   2 "    0.008 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" ND2 ASN A   2 "    0.007 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
                                 delta    sigma   weight rms_deltas residual
  plane pdb=" CA  GLN A   4 "    0.005 2.00e-02 2.50e+03   1.09e-02 1.18e+00
        pdb=" C   GLN A   4 "   -0.019 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" O   GLN A   4 "    0.007 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
        pdb=" N   GLN A   5 "    0.006 2.00e-02 2.50e+03
  ... (remaining 10 not shown)

  Histogram of nonbonded interaction distances:
        2.53 -     3.00: 50
        3.00 -     3.48: 107
        3.48 -     3.95: 243
        3.95 -     4.42: 255
        4.42 -     4.90: 523
  Nonbonded interactions: 1178
  Sorted by model distance:
  nonbonded pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    11 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.525 2.440 -x+1,y-1/2,-z+1
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    11 "
            pdb=" OH  TYR A   7 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.525 2.440 -x+1,y+1/2,-z+1
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    14 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    13 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.634 2.440 x,y-1,z
  nonbonded pdb=" O   HOH    13 "
            pdb=" O   HOH    14 "
     model   vdw sym.op.
     2.634 2.440 x,y+1,z
  nonbonded pdb=" N   GLY A   1 "
            pdb=" O   GLY A   1 "
     model   vdw
     2.665 2.496
  ... (remaining 1173 not shown)

  NOTE: a complete listing of the restraints can be obtained by requesting
        output of .geo file.

============================== Scattering factors =============================

                ----------X-ray scattering dictionary----------

Number of scattering types: 3
  Type Number    sf(0)   Gaussians
   O      21      7.97       2
   N      12      6.97       2
   C      33      5.97       2
  sf(0) = scattering factor at diffraction angle 0.

Number of scatterers: 66
At special positions: 0
Unit cell: (21.937, 4.866, 23.477, 90, 107.08, 90)
Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)

                  ----------F(model) initialization----------

Twinning will be detected automatically.
                   start: r(all,work,free)=0.2072 0.2084 0.1924 n_refl.: 495
       re-set all scales: r(all,work,free)=0.2072 0.2084 0.1924 n_refl.: 495
         remove outliers: r(all,work,free)=0.2103 0.2117 0.1924 n_refl.: 493
bulk-solvent and scaling: r(all,work,free)=0.1755 0.1758 0.1728 n_refl.: 493
         remove outliers: r(all,work,free)=0.1755 0.1758 0.1728 n_refl.: 493
|--(resolution: 1.80 - 22.44 A, n_refl.=493 (all), 4.06  % free)--------------|
|                                                                             |
| r_work= 0.1758 r_free= 0.1728 coordinate error (max.-lik. estimate): 0.00 A |
|                                                                             |
| normalized target function (ml) (work): 2.637727                            |
| target function (ml) not normalized (work): 1247.644901                     |
| target function (ml) not normalized (free): 60.766973                       |

End of input processing

======================= ROSETTA/PHENIX X-ray refinement =======================

Output directory:

             ----------Setting up input files for Rosetta----------

|-starting model--------------------------------------------------------------|
| target_work(ml) = 2.63773  r_work = 0.1758  r_free = 0.1728                 |

  Validation statistics (starting model):
    Ramachandran outliers =   0.00 %
                  favored = 100.00 %
    Rotamer outliers      =   0.00 %
    C-beta deviations     =     0
    Clashscore            =   0.00
    RMS(bonds)            =   0.0000
    RMS(angles)           =   0.00
    MolProbity score      =   0.50

Rosetta command-line arguments:
  -parser:protocol /usr/local/rosetta/rosetta-2018.09.60072/main/source/src/apps/public/crystal_refinement/low_resolution_refine.xml
  -s 1yjp_rosetta_in.pdb
  -mtzfile 1yjp_rosetta_data.mtz
  -parser:script_vars symmdef=1yjp_rosetta.symm
  -parser:script_vars bfactstrat=individual
  -parser:script_vars map_type=Auto
  -nstruct 1

Generating 2 models on 2 processors...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/build/../modules/phenix/phenix/command_line/rosetta_refine.py", line 307, in <module>
DEBUG dumping error message
ERROR: Rosetta exited with status -9
stderr output:

    run(sys.argv[1:], create_dir=True)
  File "/usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/build/../modules/phenix/phenix/command_line/rosetta_refine.py", line 191, in run
  File "/usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 313, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 396, in run_jobs
  File "/usr/local/phenix/phenix-1.14-3260/modules/phenix/phenix/rosetta/refine.py", line 382, in check_result
    raise RuntimeError("File '%s' not found." % result.file_name)
RuntimeError: File 'None' not found.