Hi, I have been having some issues with Phenix. When I input the mtz file (generated from CCP4), an error message appears... "File format error: cctbx Error: invalid combination of values while extracting anomalous array from columns: F New, SIGF New, DANO New, SIGDANO New, hkl= -3,25,44." This happens when I try to use the reflection file editor, xtriage and phenix refine. I have tested datasets collected from other crystals in the same condition and still have the same problem. I have also tried to process my data using different programs (XDSME and iMOSFLM) before going to CCP4 and then Phenix for refinement. I have never had this problem before and I have run every program on CCP4 the same way that I usually do. Does anyone know how I fix this or where I am going wrong? Kind Regards