Hi all,
As you might have noticed, there is a discussion going on about the
fraudulent 2hr0 pdb deposition on the CCP4BB
Searching for 2hr0 I came across
http://www.phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/cif_as_mtz.html where
2hr0 is used as an example.
Might I suggest that this is changed in the documentation?
Best regards,
Folmer Fredslund
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kerff Fred
Le 6 févr. 2015 à 10:12, Tim Gruene
a écrit : -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
Dear Smith,
The sca file most likely does not contain flags. pointless can read the sca file, standardise it to ccp4 standards and freerflag marks random reflections. You should use the maximum of 500 unique reflections or 5% of the unique reflections, whichever is larger.
Best, Tim
On 02/06/2015 09:49 AM, Smith Lee wrote:
Dear All, I have a sca file. Will you please tell me by which software or how I can know whether the sca file contains R-free tags? If not, by which software or how I can add the R-free tags? And how much of the reflections I add the R-free tags? I am looking forward to getting your reply. Smith
- -- - -- Dr Tim Gruene Institut fuer anorganische Chemie Tammannstr. 4 D-37077 Goettingen
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-- Folmer Fredslund