Dear all,

I did an anisotropic refinement with the gui for a 1.6 Ang. structure I think this is quite O.K. as the R-values seems to be reasonable(14/18.8). But for comparison I want exclude waters and hydrogens explicitly from the anistropic refinement. One could do this in the command line mode via adp.individual.anisotropic ="not water and not element H. I started from the gui and modified the .eff directly by icnluding:

adp {

individual {

isotropic = None

anisotropic = "not water and not element H"

In the output pdb all waters have an anisou flag. So I assume phenix refined them anisotropically. How do I have to modify the .eff file to exclude the waters from the anisotropic refinement.

I would like to use the gui, because you get this nice summary output with all statistics.

Phenix started optionally anisotropic refinement at 1.7 Ang. As far as I understand one should keep in mind that the data to parameter ration should have certain value of app. 3 or 4. But restraints as paramters are not as solid as experimental data. Is this 1.7 Ang. borderline a rule of thumb, is there a strict rule at which point I could refine anisotropic, or maybe mixed isotropic anisotropic.

Best regards
