if you still have have the log file from the run that created that def, there is a list of non-default parameters sandwiched between: #phil __ON__ snd #phil __OFF__ try: awk \$2~/__ON__/,\$2~/__OFF__/ refine_nnn.log > ref.eff or (csh) alias log2eff 'awk \$2~/__ON__/,\$2~/__OFF__/ \!*' log2eff refine_nnn.log > ref.eff of course that will be parameters for that run, so you should increment .output.serial before running! ed On 12/02/2020 09:38 AM, David A Case wrote:
The top of .def files I have from (old?) phenix.refine runs says this:
# Command to extract only non-defaults: # phenix.refine --diff-params "cdl_002.def"
But I can't get this to work:
peano% phenix.refine --diff-params "cdl_002.def" Usage: phenix.refine [options] [reflection_file] [pdb_file] [parameter_file]
refine.py: error: no such option: --diff-params
Is there a way to get this functionality?
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