fmp@eva02:~$ phenix.fetch_pdb --maps 1JWR
Model saved to /home/fmp/1JWR.pdb
Sequence saved to /home/fmp/1JWR.fa
Sorry: Couldn't download structure factors for 1jwr.

It is because the structure factors are not available in the PDB. So this means that there is no way to get them...right? (well...maybe I could contact the authors...but the structure is more than ten  years old...)

2014-06-17 10:04 GMT-05:00 Nathaniel Echols <>:
On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Murpholino Peligro <> wrote:
How to proceed when Coot -> File -> Fetch PDB and Map using EDS does not work?

phenix.fetch_pdb --maps ID

then load the file "ID_maps.mtz" using the auto-open function in Coot.