You can use an edits. You can use the slack option to create a flat bottomed well which will allow the bond to be any value of distance_ideal plus/minus slack. The sigma curve starts at the border of the slack region.
I have given the example from the on-line docs below.
refinement.geometry_restraints.edits {
zn_selection = chain X and resname ZN and resid 200 and name ZN
his117_selection = chain X and resname HIS and resid 117 and name NE2
asp130_selection = chain X and resname ASP and resid 130 and name OD1
bond {
action = *add
atom_selection_1 = $zn_selection
atom_selection_2 = $his117_selection
symmetry_operation = None
distance_ideal = 2.1
sigma = 0.02
slack = None