I am solving a crystal structure at 1.3Å.
I would expect Rwork~0.15-0.17, Rfree~0.17-0.19 at this resolution (numbers obtained using phenix.r_factor_statistics).
Completeness of the data-set (...) at this resolution are 99.5%
Completeness reported as single number (as opposed to completeness reported vs resolution) isn't really very informative..
Structure has two molecules per asymmetric unit. I used TLS parameters and NCS restraints.
Resolution limit for using NCS is roughly about 2A. So turning OFF NCS is clearly a good idea. However, effect of using torsion NCS should vanish at this resolution. So I am particularly interested to know if turning NCS off helps or shows any effect at all.
Rwork and Rfree are 18.09 and 19.62 respectively.
If it is really 1.3A resolution then R-factors could be better.
I tried with reducing WXC_scale
If you choose to do it manually then at this resolution you should rather try increasing this value, as the target is T = wxc_scale * wxc * Tdata + wc * Trestraints . If none of the above helps please send me data and model files and I will try suggesting optimal refinement strategy. Pavel