I am trying to perform refinement on a model with three chains (two protein and one DNA... plus water, Cl, and a few other solventy things). The B factors for chain A are generally better than for the other two and I am thinking that the resolution (1.8Å) warrants attempting anisotropic individual adp refinement for at least chain A, and then using TLS for the other two. So my strategy is: *individual_sites *individual_adp *tls *occupancies adp.individual.isotropic = "not Chain A" adp.individual.anisotropic = "Chain A" adp.tls = "Chain B" adp.tls = "Chain D" Previously the model had only been refined with individual isotropic adp (no TLS). The starting model has an r_work=0.2079 and r_free=0.2427. With this new aniso/TLS strategy in the first macrocycle when it gets to the initial TLS refinement it completely blows up with r_work and r_free both going up to 60% have I specified my refinement with bad syntax? or is this even possible with phenix.refine? I can submit more of the log file if you're interested. Thanks, Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scott Classen, Ph.D. SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1 http://bl1231.als.lbl.gov Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd MS6R2100 Berkeley, CA 94720 C) 510.206.4418 O) 510.495.2697 Beamline) 510.495.2134 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~