Dear Colleagues, The Phenix developers will be holding a day-long satellite workshop on July 29th, prior to the ACA meeting in Portland, Oregon. This Phenix user workshop will focus on using predicted models for crystallography and cryo-EM The format of the workshop will be demos of the use of Phenix programs combined with slides to explain the theory. We expect an interactive meeting where attendees can ask questions for the Phenix team to answer. Topics will cover aspects of macromolecular structure determination in Phenix. For registration, see the ACA 2022 website: https://www.acameeting.com/aca-wk2 . Lecturers: Pavel Afonine, Dorothee Liebschner, Billy Poon, Tom Terwilliger Looking forward to seeing you there! The Phenix team Detailed Program: 8:00 Welcome: Introduction to Phenix, Introduction to the GUI, set up Phenix 8:45 Overview -- Strategy for X-ray or Cryo-EM structure determination using AlphaFold models (lecture) 9:15 Predicting your structure with AlphaFold and trimming it with ProcessPredictedModel (demo) 9:45 Solving an X-ray structure automatically by MR with PredictAndBuild (demo with pre-computed data) 10:15 Break 10:45 Evaluating X-ray data with Xtriage 11:00 Xray refinement (lecture) 11:30 Xray refinement with AlphaFold reference models (demo) 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Ligands (lecture & demo) 13:30 Cryo-EM Data evaluation with Mtriage (short lecture & demo) 13:45 Cryo-EM map manipulations, map improvement with LocalAnisoSharpen and ResolveCryoEM (demo) 14:30 Break 15:00 Automatic cryo-EM map interpretation with PredictAndBuild (demo with pre-computed data) 15:30 Cryo-EM refinement (lecture and demo) 16:00 Model validation (lecture & demo) 16:30 Q&A 16:50 finish: workshop survey and wrap up -- Research Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road, M/S 33R0345 Berkeley, CA 94720 Tel: (510) 486-5709 Fax: (510) 486-5909 Web: https://phenix-online.org