Dear fellow Phenix bulletin boarders, I'd like to ask for help with refinement-deposition file conflict. I 'finished' solving the structure (protein, 1 chain, 2 ligands), doing the final refinement in phenix.refine. Structure looks okay and does not report any errors in phenix/coot. I than started the deposition with the wwPDB OneDep System.After long check, my files were rejected (multiple errors, with the best one being "coordinates not found"). Following the FAQ, I run the prepare_pdb_deposition, but the results were the same. I also tried using PDB_Extract (https://pdb-extract.wwpdb.org/), with its result file also generating plethora of errors. As a control, I put the same phenix.refine file into the PDB-REDO server, and its results finished wwPDB validation successfully. Trouble is, PDB-REDO is quite aggressive and messed up one ligand, occupancies and two loops, so I would prefer to not submit it for anyone to see. How do you make refinement output compatible with wwPDB? Is there a way to run PDB-REDO without the REDO? Kind regards, Blazej Baginski