The 12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation
will be hosted by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory - August
21-24, 2016. The objective of the conference is to bring together the
community of biologists and scientists involved in the methodological
developments on synchrotron and X-ray laser sources to discuss the
novel possibilities of these sources and to promote their applications
to challenging biological problems.
The scientific program for the 2016 BSR covers applications of
diffraction, spectroscopy and imaging methods applied to the
structural and time-resolved studies of biological macromolecules,
complexes and cellular and sub-cellular structures.
There will be a $500 early registration fee ($350 for students). To
take advantage of the early fees, registration must be complete by
June 30th.
Full information about the meeting, scientific program, registration
and abstract submission forms can be found at the conference web site:
Ana Gonzalez