On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 3:39 AM, Joseph Noel
Is there anyway with the PDB Tools to renumber protein chains? I have a model that doesn't correspond to the actual sequence, off by a couple of residues and just looking for a quick way to change that. Also, which module in Phenix is used to read in and convert CNS formatted ascii structure factors to the mtz read by phenix other then using ccp4.
The reflection file editor in the GUI is the easiest tool for format
conversions (there are also a couple of command-line utilities like
phenix.reflection_file_converter). However, most of the programs will
quite happily take a CNS file as input (the exception I believe is a
few of the tools which use Resolve directly, like fit_loops or
find_helices_strands). Some of these will export the reflections as
an MTZ file too - for instance, phenix.refine will write out a file