Dear Phenix developers, I have recently updated to macOS Sonoma and updated Phenix to the latest RC (1.21rc1-5156). I do have recent data where a residue gets a bit too close to its symmetric mate. In order to be able to start the refinement, I have to select the model interpretation option « allow_polymer_cross_special_position=True » In this case, the refinement process starts and does my 3 refinement cycles. However, the UI gives me a final error message stating that I have to enable the « cross-special position » (which is already True). The refined data are present (pdb, mtz, log, cif, eff, geo) but I do not get any analysis on these data. No _info.txt, no .kin files. The log ends with a « Sorry » If I deliberately move the faulty residue a bit out of its position (no more clashing with its symmetric mate) and NOT allow the cross-special position, then the refinement ends well with the correct final data analysis. Not a big deal per se, but but I suspect a small issue in the initiation of the analysis programs (Molprobity / King / etc…). Xavier