Dear Phenix list, I have generated an mtz file with phenix.composite_omit_map. It has labels assigned as 2mFo-DFC for F and PH2mFo-DFC for P. Now, I would like to generate a map file. I was trying to convince phenix.maps to use this mtz file to do that, however it didn't seem to like the labels. I tried both the GUI interface of phenix.maps and also tried to force feed it through the command line with a maps.param file. Neither of these worked, so I'm obviously missing something. Btw., Coot can open the mtz file and display the map, and it does look reasonable. This is phenix-1.9-1692 running under RHEL6. Thank you for your help. Fred [32m******************************************************************************* Fred Dyda, Ph.D. Phone:301-402-4496 Laboratory of Molecular Biology Fax: 301-496-0201 DHHS/NIH/NIDDK e-mail:[email protected] Bldg. 5. Room 303 Bethesda, MD 20892-0560 URGENT message e-mail: [email protected] Google maps coords: 39.000597, -77.102102 http://www2.niddk.nih.gov/NIDDKLabs/IntramuralFaculty/DydaFred *******************************************************************************[m