Hi all, I am trying to navigate phenix.refine to occupancy refine a partially occupied inhibitor vs. the waters that it displaces. For instance I have molecule resseq 802 in chain A, and waters 1-6 in chain W that are overlapping. When just refining occupancy of the molecule there are clear sites for the waters. How can I refine both of them together so that I can get an occupancy of the molecule vs the group of waters (which should have nearly identical occupancies)? Maybe, a bit more information on the differences in refinement strategy for the occupancy vs fix occupancy vs group occupancy would be more broadly helpful. I tried to make them all a group, but that didn't work as the refinement pushed the waters out and reduced their occupancies to ~0 while leaving the small molecule occupancy about the same as without water. [cid:2b35e3b8-08e5-44ae-9b70-8fdcff613f1a] *Waters are only placed, they are not refined), small molecule is refined to 0.71 occupancy.* -- Matthew Jordan McLeod, PhD Post-Doctoral Fellow | Thorne Lab Cornell University G11 Physical Sciences Building 142 Sciences Drive Ithaca, NY 14853-3501 (607) 279 9382