Hi Todd,

Can you list the contents of the project directory that is affected? And then list the contents of a job directory with the correct job number in the name, but the incorrect numbers in the files? Does this happen with every kind of job? Or does this happen with a specific program?

And does creating a new project fix the problem?


Billy K. Poon
Research Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Road, M/S 33R0345
Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: (510) 486-5709
Fax: (510) 486-5909

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 11:54 AM Green, Todd Jason <tgreen@uab.edu> wrote:
Hello All-
Phenix has started to write files from each job with incorrect job number notation. It puts them into the correct directory (ie. with correct job number, ex. Refine_23) but with file names having wrong job number (ie. where they are job number - 1, ex. protein_refine_22.pdb). This causes issues with the gui. I can edit the names post run, but is there a permanent fix. Just start a new project? Probably upgrade to the new version is the first choice. FYI I'm running 1.17.1-3660-000 on a macbook. Seems to have just started spontaneously.
Thanks for the help-

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