Hi, I am trying to use phenix.mr_rosetta supplying a local.hhr file and using only the top alignment which is an NMR structure and the pre_refine option. It finishes the mr.model_preparation and writes out two pdbs ( _sculpt and _chain that each have 10 ensembles) but then writes out a empty alignment.ali file (should be 100% identity between the template and the search model). Below is the error I get in the RUN_1.log file. Wrote dummy alignment to /pre_refine/MR_ROSETTA_1/GROUP_OF_PLACE_MODEL_1/RUN_1/alignment.ali ******************* ERROR ENDING *************** Sorry, the alignment file ['/pre_refine/MR_ROSETTA_1/GROUP_OF_PLACE_MODEL_1/RUN_1/alignment.ali'] does not have enough lines (6 required, 0 found): Note: last line needs to be '--' ******************* ERROR ENDING *************** Sorry, the alignment file ['../pre_refine/MR_ROSETTA_1/GROUP_OF_PLACE_MODEL_1/RUN_1/alignment.ali'] does not have enough lines (6 required, 0 found): Note: last line needs to be '--' Thanks, JJ