Hello, Most likely a simple problem, I am helping a some of our students setup their computers to use Phenix and Coot for both their own work and a class. One has installed both Phenix and Coot but cannot get Phenix to open Coot and display the model or maps on a Windows box, Coot is opening just not displaying. I admit I don’t work with Windows that often and I am not sure what the problem could be. Thank you in advance for any insight. Cheers, Len Leonard Thomas, Ph.D. Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory Oklahoma COBRE in Structural Biology Price Family Foundation Institute of Structural Biology University of Oklahoma Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Stephenson Life Sciences Research Center 101 Stephenson Parkway Norman, OK 73019-5251 Office: (405)325-1126 [email protected]mailto:[email protected] http://www.ou.edu/structuralbiology/cobre-core-facilities/mcl