Hello, Lately I have been having some trouble with phaser MR. For some reason even if I get a complete solution, it involves molecules from two different unit cells and it one case it picked up a symmetry related molecule as a crystallagraphic dimer. Recently I re-ran jobs from a sucessful run (over a year ago) in Phaser 2.1.4 where I get 4 molecules in the asymetric unit with plausable contacts that refined very well. Recently, however, I have re-run the job with the same search molecule and settings (all default). Although I get a solution, it involves molecules apparently from two asymetric units. The dimers formed are not the same contacts as what was seen in the earlier phaser run with Phaser 2.1.4. However if you turn on the symetry related molecues the tight crystallagraphic dimer seen previously shows up between one molecule and a symmetry mate. Has anyone had experiences like these recently with phaser? BTW my search model is 99% identical to my molecule (only one residue difference). Thanks. -Yarrow -- Yarrow Madrona Graduate Student Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dept. University of California, Irvine Natural Sciences I, Rm 2403 Irvine, CA 92697